Wednesday 25 April 2007

Time to get serious

Right I am fluttering all over the place and now it s time to do some of the foundations to try and set down what I would like and where I plan to be in the future.

What are my reasons for starting a business?

Well I have worked many years in jobs that I loathe. Jobs where I have gone in and done what I had to do to earn money and nt been happy about it. I want to have a career where I enjoy what i do and I can work around my family. I know that it will interfere a little but this particular business means when I sit down to work they can sit down with me and join in leaning and trying their own things. i can laso get them to help me in areas. If I am teaching young ones how to do something who better to practice on then my girls, also, the elder oes can help me teach the kids.
I want to be able to do something i find fulfilling and show my children they can do what they want when they want, they don't have to do what is expected of them from society in general. I want the freedom to be me and do what I want when I want and I want to make money.
I think I have something to offer.
I want to be available for my girls when they need me.

My objective.

My objective is to have my business up and running by the end of 2007. My teaching at my local TAFE (college) commences in May and I plan to expand that to other TAFEs by 2007 as well.

Hmm things to think on I will come back with more of my business plan.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good for you Bron in following your heart and doing what you want to do, I wish you all the success with it all and your web site looks great. :-)