Tuesday 12 June 2007

A fiddle

I fiddled today and made a few items, only have a picture on one though so you'll have to wait for the cuff and matching necklace. they were wire worked so it was fun to do. The pair also mached up to earrings i made last week.

Then this afternoon I was reading about macrame. i thought that could be interesting in wire, so I pulled out my thin wire and had a go. I like the finish although I need more practice. It will definately have an interesting effect when the half knots do their trick and curve around.

So introducing wire macrame.

wire macrame redwire macrame red
wire macrame red


Dee Comer Godwin said...

I love this! I've often considered macrame knots in wire, but I've only done it a couple of times. Your rendition looks very nice!


AFlyOnTheWall said...

You know what they say - great minds think alike - I am working on a piece with the exact same knot but with only three strands...great look!
